Welcome to our new website!

Welcome to Aquarius Aquarium Institute’s new website! If you have visited us before, you may recall that our old website was, well, in need of updating to say the least. That design, which I had to recreate into HTML from individual graphic pieces, was originally donated to us by a Seattle, Washington company . It worked for many years – introducing many people to the Institute and also to our plans for the educational Fresno Aquarium.

Uhuru Network, the team behind our new web incarnation, has taken the content from our old site and created a far more powerful and effective tool with which we may communicate with you, our website visitor. Even this blog, which was a separate section on the old Institute site, is now incorporated into this website.

Uhuru (which is the Swahili word for freedom) truly excels in empowering organizations to take charge of their own web content, eliminating the need to wait for an outside entity to perform updates. Their beautiful and easy-to-navigate custom design will allow our visitors to more thoroughly understand what we’re about and where we are going into the future.

The Institute is very excited about all our new website has to offer and hope you agree by visiting often as we continue to grow and update the information here. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Uhuru Network for their professionalism and incredible creativity. We couldn’t have done it without them!