2022 Charter Member Dinner

Set in the beautiful garden of long-time Charter Member, Janie Jurkovich, our fun 2022 Charter Member Dinner brought everyone together once again to enjoy a delicious meal, hear some great music, celebrate all the Institute has accomplished in our local schools in the current year and receive the latest progress update on our journey to build the Fresno Aquarium.

Our annual Charter Member Dinner is our way of expressing our gratitude to Charter Members who have either joined us during the past year or have renewed their Charter Memberships. Charter Members fund the Institute’s day-to-day educational operations and keep the Fresno Aquarium project moving forward. Many members also donate to our nonprofit organization over and above their annual dues and we are extremely grateful for their generous support.

Aquarius Aquarium Institute looks forward to this event every year and we hope you will consider becoming a Charter Member or renewing your Charter Membership so you can join us at 2023’s dinner!