Teachers - A Field Trip that comes to You!

Teaching Tidepools® is the Institute's highly-popular original outreach program that gives central San Joaquin Valley preschool and elementary grade children the opportunity to see and touch Bat Stars, a Green Sea Anemone, Hermit Crabs, Chestnut Cowries and other living California tide pool animals from our collection and interact with two of our staff educators right in their own classrooms.
Students throughout Fresno, Madera, Merced, Kings and Tulare counties experience our sea creatures along with an entertaining, interactive standards-based curriculum teachers love.
Teaching Tidepools® was developed using elements from the National Research Council document: A Framework for K- 12 Science Education. These elements align with Next Generation Science Standards and State Common Core Standards for ELA/Literacy (RI.2.3, W.2.8) and Mathematics (MP.2).
The program specifically supports:
- 5-ESS2-1: Earth's Systems
Do you think tidepools are a part of the geosphere or the hydrosphere, and why? How do tidepools influence the living system around them?
- National Academy of Sciences Disciplinary Core Ideas found in ESS2.A: Earth Materials and Systems
- MS-LS2-5: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics: Which design solution for saving the tidepools will best maintain biodiversity and ecosystem services?
Fees are for a 45 minute class (up to 25 students in a classroom with their teacher). One additional class may be scheduled on the same day at the same school site. We gladly accept most school district purchase orders and PTA checks. Mileage and additional time fees apply to schools outside of the Fresno/Clovis city limits.
Please call (559) 490-FISH (3474) or email us today for more information, pricing and to schedule your visit.
We also offer a more advanced program for 5th and 6th graders that also includes the living tide pool animals and explores Earth's hydrologic cycle.