Early Bookings Make for Happy Classes

The wonderful students in these pictures were thrilled to have our living California tide pool animals come to their school last week, but it was really the foresight of their teacher that made our Teaching Tidepools® visit possible. Kristi Smith booked the May 2017 presentation in May of 2016 when she called and found out our schedule was totally full.

Sadly, all too often we receive calls from teachers, after school program coordinators and parents in April or May wanting us to squeeze in a presentation prior to the end of the school year. Frequently, we have to sadly let them know we are completely booked.

Our best advice for anyone wishing to have us come to their children’s classroom is to give us plenty of notice and be sure you have received our confirmation email. We get very busy by spring each year and it’s always wise to check back with us if you cannot find our written email response. Those who book in the fall are most likely to get the dates they want.

Your students will be so happy because of your efforts and will long remember their experience as a positive and fun learning opportunity!