2016 Run for the Reef Volunteers

Our Volunteers Make a Difference

2016 Run for the Reef Volunteers

Whether you’re young or mature, a student, retired, or somewhere in between, Aquarius Aquarium Institute runs on Volunteers just like you!

It’s extremely gratifying to us that so many people from our community have come together over the years not only just to hang out with their friends and meet new ones, but also to help make a real difference by educating others about our precious aquatic world.

If you enjoy working with a group of energetic, positive individuals all sharing a love for saltwater and freshwater animals and interacting with the public who want to hear about what we are about as an organization, be sure to check the box for Volunteers on our Email Update signup page. We’ll let you know when our Volunteer opportunities are coming up.

We look forward to meeting you and we thank you in advance for wanting to help in any way possible. You too can make a difference!