For the last 62 years, Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) have not been able to swim from the Pacific Ocean up the San Joaquin River to their historic spawning beds near Fresno. The construction of Friant Dam put an end to the runs in 1948. Now, in the winter of 2010, water has flowed continuously down …
Author: Tom Lang
Will Fresno require Hwy 99/Herndon Power Center to build Herndon railroad undercrossing?
The potential impact of any given development project on an area’s existing traffic congestion depends on many factors. Let’s say a nonprofit is building a 10-acre nature education center like an Aquarium that won’t open to the general public until 10 a.m. and will close at 6 p.m. – it stands to reason that such …
Caltrans fails to study effects of new freeway bridge runoff on San Joaquin River Restoration
There are too many issues surrounding the Caltrans plan to widen Highway 99 from Ashlan Avenue in Fresno to Avenue 7 in Madera County to cover in just one blog post. This is the third and last in a series of posts that document the Island Park Six-Lane Project and offer my views on the …
Caltrans claims expanded Highway 99 Freeway will have no impact on City of Fresno surface streets
There are too many issues surrounding the Caltrans plan to widen Highway 99 from Ashlan Avenue in Fresno to Avenue 7 in Madera County to cover in just one blog post. This is the second in a series of posts that will document the Island Park Six-Lane Project and offer my views on the substantial …
Caltrans plan ignores Fresno’s northern gateway
There are too many issues surrounding the Caltrans plan to widen Highway 99 from Ashlan Avenue in Fresno to Avenue 7 in Madera County to cover in just one blog post. So, this will be the first in a series of posts that will document the Island Park Six-Lane Project and offer my views on …
Why the San Joaquin Valley needs an Aquarium
Funny thing about the San Joaquin Valley – it’s named after a river of the same name. This second-longest river in California has its three sources in the incredibly beautiful snow-capped Sierra Nevada mountains just east of Fresno. And not long after its North, Middle and South forks all converge in a strikingly gorgeous granite-walled …
Important City Council vote on Fresno Aquarium infrastructure January 28th
Aquarius Aquarium Institute is committed to building Phase One of the educational Public Aquarium for California’s entire San Joaquin Valley with little or no debt. We are scheduled to go before the Fresno City Council on January 28th for approval of a Resolution to be introduced by Councilmember Andreas Borgeas in support of a federal …
National Parks hold key to Fresno’s prosperity
One of our favorite activities living in Fresno has been to take the short drive up to Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks and hike the many trails through the ancient mountain forests. In less than an hour’s drive east, we are at the park gate and have the freedom (and privilege!) to walk amongst …
60 Minutes airs San Joaquin Valley water woes
Watch CBS News Videos Online California’s San Joaquin Valley has fed the world for decades. From almonds to raisins and figs to oranges, Fresno County consistently wins the title of #1 in agricultural production for all counties in the United States. But today this position is threatened by the one commodity upon which the entire …
High-Speed Rail route could provide future train travelers a panoramic view of Aquarium property
OK – picture this… As California’s High-Speed train approaches the northern entrance to Fresno, passengers peer from the windows and are greeted by the modern architecture of the Arthur Dyson-designed Aquarium set into the restored bluff landscape overlooking the restored San Joaquin River just before the train banks over Highway 99. In the 5 minutes …